Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been thinking about how I could use podcasts for my elementary media center. I finally had the idea that I could use them to record myself reading stories or doing book talks. I can also record students doing book talks. Book talks are a great way to encourage other students to read. When a child recommends the book other kids are more likely to be interested and read the book.

I had my daughter use her Itouch to record me reading a story for St. Patrick's Day. I put it on my website. Kids love to be read to. One of their favorite sites is one of celebrities reading stories. So I thought I would try one of me reading to them.

I am trying to find ways to get the students in my school to use the website more often. I thought this would be a great way to get them to do that.

The other idea I had to use podcasts was to film new things in the media center. We just had a mural painted on our wall and this is a great way to share it. I thought using podcasts to share new books that have just arrived would be a great use for podcasting.

This is all new to me so I am excited about trying out some new ideas!